News / Events/ Interests
July 14, 2018
Grievance wins the International Thriller Writers 2018 Thriller Award (best original paperback)
“Tonight, Christine Bell’s haunting and suspenseful novel, Grievance, was named the winner of the International Thriller Writers’ 2018 Thriller Award for Best Paperback Original Novel. Grievance was published in 2017 by Lake Union Publishing, the book club fiction imprint of Amazon Publishing. ”
May 2018
Grievance is a finalist for the International Thriller Writers 2018 Thriller Award (best original paperback)
Thanks, Chaucer's Book Store, for a wonderful Summer Signing on July 18, 2017
Chaucer's Bookstore, 3321 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805 682-6787
Enjoy Free Listening to some of the indie radio songs featured in Grievance
Silence Silence by Maeve Thorne
The River by Bea Troxel, sung by trio Bea, Rita and Maeve